Easily connect BACnet/IP to Profibus
Connects up to 32 BACnet MS/TP Subordinates with a Profibus DP Controller
The perfect tool to tie all the BACnet MS/TP devices in your automation system to PROFIBUS.
Connects a BACnet/IP Client with a PROFIBUS Controller
Connect up to 32 EtherNet/IP Adapters and a PROFIBUS Controller
Connects an EtherNet/IP Scanner with a Profibus DP Controller
Make a direct connection between Profibus Controller data and user-defined Tags or Registers in the data table of your Allen-Bradley PLC.
Easily connect up to 32 Modbus TCP/IP devices to a Profibus PLC
Connect up to 32 Modbus RTU slave devices to Profibus controller.
Connects a Modbus RTU Master with a Profibus DP Controller
Easily connect a Modbus TCP/IP Client to a Profibus Controller
Easily connect an ASCII based system to a Profibus Master
Connect a PROFIBUS Master to AWS IoT Core
Easily make your legacy DF1 PLC appear as a Profibus Slave device.
Connect a PROFIBUS Master to an MQTT Broker
Easily connect an Ethernet TCP/IP based system to a Profibus Master
Connect a PROFIBUS Master to a Web Interface device
Connects a PROFINET IO Controller with a Profibus DP Controller