Tag Archives: ASCII

Sit Tight; EtherNet/IP QuickConnect is Around the Corner

I first heard about EtherNet/IP sometime in the late 1990s. Up to that time we [...]

ASCII Part 2

Last night Elon Musk was on 60 Minutes. Now, generally I don’t watch much of [...]


I’ve been around the Industrial Automation industry for a fair amount of time now. Just [...]

Thanksgiving 2013

It’s Thanksgiving week. Very true, I’ve found, that the older you get the faster the [...]

ASCII Revisited

Had lunch with Chester the other day. Chester is an old manufacturing guy from way [...]

Kendall Electric Show June 2013

It’s no secret that I like to talk. Some people say that I’m a ham. [...]

SLC 5/05 Networked Connections

There are some things that Rockwell does that make great sense, some that make sense [...]

Big And Little Indian

A week or two ago I went to the ODVA EtherNet/IP Developers Quick Start in [...]


SIMPLICITY IN ALL THINGS I’m a very simple guy. In many different ways. I don’t [...]

ASCII to Something

I get a number of questions every week about moving ASCII data. Moving ASCII data [...]