Tag Archives: Server
OPC – Are its days numbered?
It’s hard to work almost anywhere in the automation industry without knowing something about OPC. [...]
Still a Thrill: OPC UA Device Discovery
A long while back, I when I started working on industrial connectivity, I had hair. [...]
Scanners, and Adapters, and EtherNet/IP. Oh My!
The Tin Man, Cowardly Lion, Scarecrow and Dorothy were afraid of lions, and tigers and [...]
The Secrets of OPC UA Clients
Everyone loves secrets. No one loves secrets more than kids. The other day my granddaughter [...]
Modbus Conformance
If you’re a device manufacturer and you’ve ever developed an EtherNet/IP Adapter, BACnet/IP Server or [...]
OPC UA Server Object
There’s a lot of interest around the globe for OPC UA. One of the drivers [...]
Allen-Bradley PLC to Profinet
Many of you know that I have been educated as an Engineer. I did the [...]
Modbus TCP vs. Modbus RTU
I went to one of those yogurt shops the other day, you know what I’m [...]
How Can I Implement EtherNet/IP?
I had an interesting call last week from a guy in Texas. I love Texas. [...]
When Is EtherNet/IP Not The Right Choice?
I had an interesting phone conversation with a guy this morning on EtherNet/IP and how [...]